
chiropractic adjustment

If you’re suffering from chronic pain and live in or near Vernon and Kelowna, British Columbia, you should consider chiropractic adjustments to resolve your pain. Get in touch with Dr. Larry Kinakin and Dr. Mike Rumpel at Valley Chiropractic. They have helped countless people by providing chiropractic adjustments and other treatment methods.

Non-Invasive for Lasting Pain Relief

Chiropractic adjustments, or manipulations, as they are also known, are the oldest form of chiropractic care. Essentially, every chiropractor offers adjustments, although there can be subtle differences in techniques and applications. The goal of adjustments, whether by hand or by instrument, is to ensure that the spine is properly aligned and reduce the risk of undue muscle tension and other issues resulting from imbalance and impingement.

Chiropractors can vary the amount of pressure used during treatment. If you have any preferences, feel free to talk them over with Dr. Kinakin and Dr. Rumpel. While spinal manipulation focuses on the spine, adjustments can be made to other joints and it’s also possible to work the soft tissues with acupuncture and other types of complementary, non-invasive care. 

Crucially, chiropractic adjustments can reduce bodily stress long after your treatment session. If the spine can be gently corrected, it can reduce the risk of muscle tension in not just your back, but also your hips, shoulders, neck, and even the back of the head.

One of the best aspects of chiropractic adjustments in Vernon and Kelowna, BC, is that the treatments don’t rely on potentially habit-forming medications. With chiropractic care, the goal is to provide a helping hand and to put your body and its incredible healing mechanisms in the best position to succeed. Come work with Dr. Kinakin or Dr. Rumpel at Valley Chiropractic to secure safe and lasting pain relief.

When Might Chiropractic Adjustments Be Needed?

If you recently had an accident, whether at work, while driving, or somewhere around the home, it’s possible that your spine was affected. Further, should you use furniture that doesn’t provide enough support, including your bed, office chair, or the seat in your car, it could cause your spine to become misaligned. Wear-and-tear issues can also develop from using the wrong exercise or lifting techniques.

Interested in chiropractic adjustments in Vernon and Kelowna, BC? If so, get in touch with Dr. Kinakin and Dr. Rumpel by calling 250 549 4535. The right treatments could reduce pain not only right now but going forward. The sooner you get started, the better. As injuries or issues go untreated, they often become progressively worse. Get in touch right away.

Our Location


3502 31St,
Vernon, BC V1T 5J3

Office Hours


8:30 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


7:00 am - 11:30 am


8:30 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


7:00 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm





